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You are offered a choice between 5 upgrades once increasing your level by 1. After darkness level 8 your upgrade choices are reduced to 4. Upgrades can change almost anything about the game- how much health you have, how much damage you do, how fast your summons attack, enemy behavior, and more!


Contents: Dragon, Ghost, Spears, Scythe, Lens, Summon attack speed & Damage.

Upgrade Description Details
1 Dragon Egg Summon an egg that will hatch into a Dragon in 3 minutes. Dragon egg counts as a summon even before turning into a dragon. Does not do anything before turning.
2a Aged Dragon Your Dragon gains 15 damage every 60 seconds. This ability works even if your Dragon is still in its egg.
2b Trained Dragon Your Dragon gains 10% attack speed every 60 seconds. This ability works even if your Dragon is still in its egg.
3 Dragon Bond Your bullets deal additional damage equal to 10% of your Dragon's damage.
1 Ghost Friend Summon a Ghost Friend that rapidly shoots projectiles for 8 damage.
2a Best Friends Fire Rate +10%, Ghost Friend's attack speed is increased by your Fire Rate.
2b Ghost Wizard Ghost Friend's projectiles inflict Burn for 6 damage per second. It also triggers your on-hit effects.
3 Vengeful Ghost Your Ghost Friend shoots 1 additional projectiles.
1 Magic Spear Summon 2 Magic Spears that deal 20 damage.
2a Holy Spear Magic Spear deals +10 damage for every Max HP you have.
2b Soul Drain Every 500th enemy killed by a summon drops a Soul Heart.
3 Soul Knight Magic Spear gains +15 damage every time you gain a Soul Heart.
1 Magic Scythe Summon a Magic Scythe that deals 40 damage.
2a Shadowblade Magic Scythe inflicts Curse on enemies. Increase Curse damage by 15%.
2b Windcutter Move Speed +10%, Magic Scythe's damage is increased by bonuses to your Move Speed.
3 Scythe Mastery Bullet Damage +10%, Magic Scythe's damage is increased by bonuses to your Bullet Damage.
1 Magic Lens Summon a Magic Lens that give all bullets that pass through it +30% damage and size. This bonus is increased by your Summon Damage. Effects Hina's clone. Counts as a summon.
2a Igniting Lens Bullets that pass through your Magic Lens will inflict Burn on hit.
2b Refraction Bullets that pass through your Magic Lens gain +2 Bounce.
3 Focal Point All of the effects of your Magic Lens is doubled, and Magic Lens' size if halved.
1 Trainer Summon Damage +30% Only appears once you pick an upgrade in any summon tree.
2a Pulsing Summons Summon Damage +20%, Your summons deal 50 summon damage to nearby enemies every 2 seconds.
2b Feed the Beasts Increase Summon Damage by 1% after every 15 enemies killed. If you also have ritual, both trigger on deaths. Deaths do not have to be caused by summons.
3 Bloodsuckers Summon Damage +10%, Every 500th enemy killed by a summon drops a healing item.
1 Frenzy Summon Attack Speed +30% Only appears once you pick an upgrade in any summon tree.
2a Hellspawns Summon Attack Speed +20%, Your summons inflict Burn on hit for 3 damage per second.
2b Thunderspawns Summon Attack Speed +20%, Your summons have a 30% chance on hit to call down Lightning for 22 damage.
3 Culling Summon Attack Speed +15%, Your summons have a 15% chance on hit to instantly kill an enemy. Does not affect Boss enemies. Also does not effect elites.

Contents: Take aim, Rapid fire, Double shot, Reload rate, Power shot.

Upgrade Description Details
1 Take Aim Bullet Speed +30%, Spread -15
2a Penetration Bullet Speed +15%, Piercing +1
2b Sniper Bullet Speed +25%, Bullet Damage +15%
3 Assassin Automatically kill enemies below 20% HP. "Enemies" does not include bosses & elites
1 Rapid Fire Fire Rate +25%
2a Light Bullets Fire Rate +15%, Max Ammo +1, Bullet Speed +15%
2b Rubber Bullets Bullet Bounce +1, Fire Rate +10%
3 Siege Shooting when standing still has a 40% chance of not consuming ammo.
1 Double Shot Projectiles +1, Spread +10, Bullet Damage -10%
2a Fan Fire When shooting your last ammo, also shoot 10 additional bullets in circle around for 15% damage.
2b Split Fire Shoot an additional bullet behind you.
3 Fusillade Projectiles +1, Spread +15, Bullet Damage -25%, Double base projectiles.
1 Quick Hands Reload Rate +20%, Fire Rate +5%
2a Armed and Ready Reload Rate +10%, Max Ammo +2
2b Fresh Clip Reload Rate +5%, Increase Bullet Damage by 50% for 1 second after reloading.
3 Kill Clip Increase Reload Rate by 5% for every enemy killed. This bonus resets after reloading.
1 Power Shot Bullet Damage +40%, Knockback +20%
2a Big Shot Bullet Damage +45%, Bullet Size +40%
2b Splinter Enemies explode into 3 bullets when killed. These bullets deal 10% damage.
3 Reaper Rounds Bullet Damage +20%, Piercing +1, Bullets additionally pierce killed enemies.

Contents: Shield, Vitality, Soul hearts, Dodge.

Upgrade Description Details
1 Holy Shield A Holy Shield protects you from damage once. The Holy Shield regenerates in 2 minutes after breaking.
2a Divine Blessing Increase Reload Rate and Move Speed +25% while Holy Shield is active.
2b Divine Wrath Call down Lightning to strike a random nearby enemy for 22 damage every second while Holy Shield is active.
3 Stalwart Shield Holy Shield now regenerates in 1 minute.
1 Vitality Max HP +1
2a Anger Point Increase Bullet Damage and Fire Rate by +75% when you get hit. This bonus lasts for 30 seconds.
2b Giant Max HP +2, Character Size +25%
3 Regeneration Heal 1 HP every 90 seconds.
1 Soul Shield Gain a Soul Heart. Every 90 seconds, gain a Soul Heart. Max 3.
2a Soul Expand Gain a Soul Heart. Increase max amount of Soul Hearts by +2.
2b Soul-Powered Your bullets deal +10% damage for each Soul Heart you currently have.
3 Soul Link Gain a Soul Heart. When you lose a Soul Heart, enemies also lose 80% of their Max HP. Does not effect Boss enemies.
1 Evasive Dodge +20% Cap at 60%
2a Nimble Dodge +10%, Move Speed +10%
2b Tiny Dodge +5%, Character Size -25%
3 Reflex Move Speed +15%, Your Dodge chance is increased by bonuses to your Move Speed.

Contents: Lightning, Burn, Freezing, Curse.

Upgrade Description Details
1 Electro Mage On every 2nd shot, call down Lightning to strike a nearby enemy for 22 damage. a random enemy that can be anywhere on-screen, not specifically nearby.
2a Electro Bug Summon an Electro Bug that calls down Lightning to strike 2 nearby enemies. Calls down lightning twice every two seconds, counts as a summon
2b Energized When Lightning strikes an enemy, there's a 20% chance to automatically refill 3 of your ammo.
3 Electro Mastery Holy Shield now regenerates in 1 minute.
1 Pyro Mage Your bullets have a 50% chance to inflict Burn for 3 damage per second.
2a Fire Starter On every 5th shot, launch a Fireball that deal 40 damage. The Fireball also inflicts Burn to enemies in a large area for 3 damage per second.
2b Intense Burn Burn Damage +35%
3 Soothing Warmth When you inflict Burn, there is a 0.05% chance to heal you for 1 HP. If this was the first upgrade you got, you can expect it triggering at least 8 times.
1 Frost Mage Your bullets have a 35% chance to inflict Freeze for 1.5 seconds. Boss enemies are only affected by Freeze for 0.3 seconds. If re-applied to an enemy with this effect, duration is reset.
2a Frostbite When an enemy is inflicted with Freeze, they lose 15% of their Max HP. Boss enemies lose 1% of their Max HP. If re-applied to an enemy with this effect, another 15/1% will be removed
2b Ice Shard When shooting your last ammo, also shoot 3 additional ice shards that inflict Freeze.
3 Shatter Enemies, affected by Freeze, explode when killed and deal damage to nearby enemies equal to 7% of their Max HP.
1 Dark Arts Your bullets have a 35% chance to inflict Curse. Curse deals damage equal to 200% of your Bullet Damage. Curse takes 0.75 seconds to trigger.
2a Doom Curse damage is increased by an additional 100% of your Bullet Damage.
2b Wither Enemies inflicted with Curse take 30% more damage.
3 Ritual Every 10 enemies killed by Curse will increase your Bullet Damage by 1%. If combined with feed the beasts, both trigger on enemy death.

Contents: Glare, Magnetism, Haste, Aero magic, Holy arts

Upgrade Description Details
1 Glare Vision Range +25%, All enemies within your Vision Range takes 15 damage every 1 second. Does not trigger on-hit effects (such as burn).
2a Intense Glare Vision Range +25%, The damage of Glare is doubled. Example
2b Sight Magic Vision Range +15%, The damage from Glare also applies the on-hit effects of your bullets. Example
3 Saccade Vision Range +25%, The damage of Glare occurs twice as often. Example
1 Magnetism Pickup Range +50% Example
2a Recharge Pickup Range +20%, Every XP pickup has a 10% chance to refill 1 ammo. Example
2b Watch and Learn Pickup Range +30%, Vision Range +25% Example
3 Excitement Pickup Range +30%, After picking up XP, gain 50% Fire Rate for 1 second. Example
1 Haste Move Speed +20%, Fire Rate +5% Example
2a Blazing Speed Move Speed +10%, Inflict Burn on nearby enemies as you run. The effect occurs more often the faster you move. Example
2b Run and Gun Walk Speed +100% Reduces the Move Speed penalty while shooting to zero.
3 In the Wind Increase Bullet Damage and Move Speed by 10% every 10 seconds (max 40%). This bonus resets when you get hit. Example
1 Aero Magic Every 2 seconds shoot out a Gale of wind. Gale deals 20 damage every 0.5 seconds. Does not trigger on-hit effects (such as burn).
2a Windborne Move Speed +15%, Gale's damage is increased by bonuses to your Move Speed. Example
2b Eye of the Storm Deal double of Gale's damage to nearby enemies every 2 seconds. Gale damage is increased by 5. Example
3 Aero Mastery Gale damage increased by 15. Example
1 Holy Arts After shooting your last ammo, Smite nearby enemies for 20 damage. Example
2a Holy Might Smite deals +10 damage for every HP you have Not max HP, just healed HP.
2b Justice Increase your Max HP for 1 for every 500 enemies killed with Smite. At most 3 Max HP can be gained this way. Example
3 Angelic Every 500 enemies killed with Smite heals you for 1 HP. Example

Synergies are only unlocked once you buy their unlock requirements. They do not have a tree. They often combine the two upgrades in some way or give a buff that is beneficial to both. They too sometimes have some sort of downside that discourages use of other play strategies. These are presented in the same order they are in game.

Upgrade Unlock Requirements Description Details
Summon Mastery Vengeful Ghost + Scythe Mastery Summon Damage +35%, Summon Attack Speed +35%, Bullet Damage -35%
Mini Clip Fan Fire + Fresh Clip Reload Rate +75%, Bullet Damage +50%, Max Ammo -5 Will not make your ammo less than 1
Overload Electro Mastery + Fire Starter When Lightning strikes an enemy that is Burning, create an Explosion that deals 25 damage. Explosion damage is not effected by burn or lightning damage modifiers
Stand Your Ground Siege + Fusillade Projectiles +2, Fire Rate +25%, Move Speed -25%
Frost Fire Intense Burn + Frostbite When you inflict Freeze, also inflict Burn for 6 damage per second.
Gun Mastery Armed and Ready + Power Shot + Rapid Fire Bullet Damage +30%, FIre Rate +15%, Reload Rate +15%, Max Ammo +1, Piercing +1
Death Rounds Reaper Rounds + Light Bullets Your bullets deal an additional 10 damage.
Death Plague Ritual + Reaper Rounds Enemies killed by Curse will spread Curse to nearby enemies. Very close enemies
Generator Recharge + Energized When you gain ammo, also gain 35% Fire Rate for 2 seconds. Does not apply if you reload during those two seconds.
Kunoichi In the Wind + Assassin Increase Fire Rate by 10% and Piercing by +1 every 10 seconds. This bonus is rest upon getting hit.
Sword and Shield Holy Shield + Justice When Holy Shield is not active, kills with Smite lower the regeneration time for Holy Shield by 1 second.
Titan Giant + Angelic Max HP +2, Move Speed +25%, Character Size +25%

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